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Penificent Ltd
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 3 reviews
 by Lisa Hamilton
A Parents Review

I first came across the wonderful Penificient Comics during the covid pandemic. way back in 2021.I was excited to learn that the authors were young black men, striving to make a difference to their own community in a positive way. I ordered all three editions of The Peace of War for my son Elijah, which includes a special edition copy.
My son was nine years old at the time and Penificient helpfully guided me to ensure I ordered their comics which were suitably age appropriate.
Elijah instantly got stuck into reading the comics and he loved them, he would constantly update me on the storyline. He was also excited that he resembled one of the characters who sported a large afro like his own!
As a parent who has proactively monitored my son's interactions with social media and screen time, it was very refreshing to see him taking in the ''written' word so to speak.
Fast forward three years and Elijah is now old enough to read the
comics which tackle more serious issues such as knife crime and gangs.
The Follow Up Discussion questions at the end are an excellent way to engage with your children in a way that they might not necessarily embrace otherwise.
These comics are not just entertaining as well as educational, they are important. Important to every black parent navigating the devastating social ills and dangers our young people face every single day.
I salute both Steven Okeya and Anthony Aina for their sincere and earnest efforts to make a difference.
Thank you.

 by Elijah Hamilton
State of Mind#2

State Of Mind #2: Fear Births Courage

In the second book of this installment, Deanii joins a new group of people who work together against crime.
Whilst in combat, Deanii has an anxiety attack and is rescued by a surprise charachter.

I really enjoyed this story, I read it twice.
The storyline gave me alot to think about.
I hope more young people read these comics because it helps you think about real life issues.

How I relate to the story:

Like Deanii, I sometimes become worried about things. Even when I'm playing football, I wonder whether I will play well enough but the best thing to do in those situations is pray.

Someone in my class had an anxiety attack in my class because she was stressed out about a test. Reading what happened to Deanii helps me understand how she might have been feeling.
Since reading State of Mind #2, I now know how I could help next time.

 by Elijah Hamilton

In State Of Mind #1, we see our main character Deanii facing a fight or flight situation. Deanii is flooded with the opinions of significant figures in his life and both his self-esteem is attacked and his own sense of identity.

Things become seriously dark for him.

 The drama doesn’t end there where further friction arises and Deanii has no choice but to rise to the challenge.

Deanii finds himself challenged mentally and really struggles at key points in the story.


As ever, State Of Mind #1 is a well written piece by Steven Oyeka and Anthony Aina. The story is highly engaging from cover to cover. Thankfully there are 3 installments of State Of Mind thus far and so I was able to binge-read all of them because I couldn’t wait to move on to the next comic. The storyline is both thought provoking, exciting and an enjoyable read.




How I relate to State Of Mind #1

Deanii had some tough decisions to make and as I have just started secondary school, I feel the same way but in different scenarios. 


Secondary school is a steep learning curve for me and I feel I have to be more accountable, responsible and mature.

I have had to interact with new people and try and find my own space.


Deanii felt somewhat different and isolated. I can relate to that.

Yet, I have made some good friends.

Deanii needed more wisdom I think when he chose who to be around. 

I had to do serious exams for the first time in my life and I was somewhat anxious about it.

I felt sorry for Deanii when he didn’t do too well. It attacked his self-esteem.

I am used to doing well but this time I was more nervous and that played on my mind.

I really wanted to do well for my mum and I was worried about letting her down. I spoke to her about it and she was understanding and told me to try my best but not to feel pressured.

Speaking about what was on my mind helped. 

I also learned that it’s important not to bottle things up and hold them in, otherwise when they finally all come out, it can be quite destructive.

The story has taught me the importance of speaking about how I feel and not feeling it’s weak to do so.