

Empowering Young Asylum Seekers: Our Barnardos Collaboration

At Penificent, we are excited to share the remarkable journey of our latest project, ‘The Hopeful Journey of Patience.’ This comic book is a product of collaboration and a testament to the resilience and strength of young asylum seekers in the UK.

The Origin of ‘The Hopeful Journey of Patience’

This inspiring project was born from the minds and hearts of a group of remarkable young people with firsthand experience seeking asylum in the UK. They are part of the Barnardos Triangles programme, and they envisioned a way to make a difference by ensuring that other young asylum seekers knew they were not alone during their challenging journeys.

A Collaborative Creation

Our team at Penificent was honoured to join forces with these incredible young individuals. Together, we embarked on a creative journey that spanned three full-day workshops. During these workshops, participants not only shared their personal stories but also learned storytelling techniques ranging from world-building to character design. It was a collaborative effort where their lived experiences blended seamlessly with our creative expertise.

‘The Hopeful Journey of Patience’: More Than Just a Comic

‘The Hopeful Journey of Patience’ is not just a comic book; it’s a beacon of hope. Through vivid illustrations and compelling narratives, it sheds light on the trials and triumphs of young asylum seekers. It addresses their struggles, fears, and dreams, all while emphasizing the importance of community and support.

Impact and Outreach

At Penificent, we believe in the power of storytelling as a tool for social change. Our collaboration with the Barnardos Triangles programme has already made waves, touching the hearts of readers and sparking important conversations about the challenges young asylum seekers face. It’s not just a story; it’s a call to action, an invitation to stand with these resilient individuals.

Stay tuned for more updates on ‘The Hopeful Journey of Patience’ as we continue our mission to empower young people and amplify their voices through the medium of comics. Together, we can make a difference, one story at a time.

Check out The Hopeful Journey of Patience below!